Company Chapel Hill Christian School © 2023, All rights reserved.

Since opening our doors in 1966, the mission of Chapel Hill Christian School has remained resolute: Working hand in hand with families and their churches, we strive to ignite a passion within children to desire and pursue authentic relationships with Christ, excel in academics, and fulfill their divine purpose.

We believe that God has created each child as “His masterpiece in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for them to do” (Ephesians 2:10). As our students receive excellent elementary academic preparation, they are learning to love God and one another, embracing a biblical worldview, and being launched into His plan for their future.

Isaiah 40:31, Chapel Hill’s historic theme verse reads: “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles…” Chapel Hill Christian School students continue to “soar high” for Christ through programs like ACSI Speech Meet and Math Olympics and the use of cutting-edge curricula like “Math In Focus,” “Super-Kids” and “Read Side By Side.” Innovative after-school opportunities like intramural athletics, robotics and coding, drama, and video production allow our students to expand their skills and abilities to collaborate and think critically.

"Connecting Hearts Ministry" offers CHCS students the chance to forge deep connections with students at the Amigos school in Guatemala. Sponsorships are provided, allowing students to obtain a Christian education, and in some cases, complete a college education. Additionally, through age-appropriate service projects, each classroom actively dedicates itself to serving the Lord.

Through each and every endeavor Chapel Hill Christian School remains devoted to following Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”


Our Mission

Love . . . Learn . . . Launch. . .

To build a foundation for young students to desire, pursue, and grow in an authentic relationship with Christ, while achieving academic excellence, and discovering God's path for their future.


Our Vision

Our goal at CHCS, in partnership with the home and church, is to create a Christ-centered environment where each student's God-given uniqueness is celebrated, and where they are taught to value a passionate commitment to academic excellence, Biblical worldview, and service for Christ, so that they are equipped with the necessary skills and spiritual maturity to succeed in life.

We believe that fostering an authentic relationship with God and a lifelong passion for learning empowers students to fulfill their unique God-given purpose and make a lasting positive impact on the world.


Who We Are

Chapel Hill Christian School, a private Christian elementary school of nearly 450 students, offers a rock-solid foundation in the life of each child. Since its founding in 1966, CHCS has understood the relationship of a nurturing environment, traditional values, a quality academic program, and the cultivation of Christ-like character.

Along with the family and local church, the elementary school has the greatest influence on the life of a child. Thus, CHCS’ purpose is to build a foundation for children to desire, pursue, and grow in authentic relationship with Christ.

CHCS distinguishes itself from other preschools through 6th-grade academic institutions by its rigorous and well-rounded curriculum, high academic standards, and integration of Biblical values in all of its programs. Students at CHCS typically score at least two years above the national average on Standardized Achievement Tests.

In addition to a strong core curriculum, our technology, fine arts, physical education, foreign language, sports, and missions programs provide for the complete education of each child. Our Bible curriculum is complemented by weekly chapel services, and prayer is an integral part of the daily classroom routine.

Life-long friendships, caring teachers, and a disciplined learning environment are keys to the success of CHCS. Many alumni now serve in full-time ministry.

We invite you to be a part of the CHCS family!

  • Our faculty are all born-again believers from various church backgrounds who are committed to Christian education. All of our teachers are ACSI-certified and state-certified in their teaching fields.
  • As of the 2023-24 school year, the student body is made up of nearly 450 students on two campuses.
  • Over 60 churches are represented in the CHCS school family.
  • The school is governed by a school board that establishes policy for the school.
  • Our Administrative Team is made up of the School Administrator, and a building Principal at each campus.
  • Our school is accredited through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

What We Believe

We believe that teaching academics is only a small part of a child’s total education. Spiritual and moral values, proper attitudes, respect for authority, and the rights and feelings of others are considered of significant importance in training children to become mature Christian leaders.

Our source of authority is the inspired word of God as presented in the Old and New Testaments. All teaching must be evaluated in light of that written word.

We believe that parents are the stewards of the children God has given them. The Bible clearly states that it is the parent’s responsibility to “train a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) We are careful that the school never usurps this responsibility. We make every effort to partner with our parents in their parenting role.

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