Frequently Asked Questions
No CHCS is a private independent school directed by a board of education.
Parents are required to sign the Parent Covenant that states, that they will attend church with the children and to live a biblically moral life in and out of the home.
3 years of age by August 1 to be in preschool; 4 years of age by August 1 to be in pre-kindergarten (and completely potty-trained)
5 years of age by August 1
Full-time – school hours 9:00 am - 3:20 pm; with before/after care available
Full-time/half day with 1:30 dismissal (no nap time)
Part-time - school hours on T,W, & TH
Part-time/half day - 1:30 dismissal on T,W & TH
9:00 am to 3:20 pm
Yes - Before-School Care 7:00-8:40 am and After-School Care 4:00-6:00 pm
Approximately 450 students across two campuses
If there is no seat in a class, the student will be placed on the "wait list" until there is an opening, or there are enough on the waitlist to add a 2nd class.
Call the school office to request a tour or receive additional information
Approximately 75%