Lunch Program
North and South campuses of Chapel Hill Christian School will participate in the National School Lunch Program during the 2023-2024 school year. This means that we follow USDA nutritional guidelines for meals and snacks. Meals are structured to provide age-appropriate calorie levels, 30% fat or less, less than 10% saturated fat, and under 1110mg of sodium. We serve 1% white milk with the option of fat-free chocolate milk for K-6. The snacks we offer follow the “Smart Snacks” guidelines. A menu is sent home monthly.
The price for lunch is $3.50. Children may qualify for free lunches.
Each family will receive an application packet during the first week of school.
Our Food Services Director, Honor Via, reviews each application and makes a determination using Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.
Please contact her with any questions. hvia@chapelhillchristianschool.org
When it is believed that a student in grades K through 6 may benefit from speech or language services, teachers and parents work as a team in making a referral for evaluation and possible intervention in receptive (listening) or expressive (speech / verbal or written language) communication skills. These services are carried out by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and may take place in the classroom, individually, or in small groups in the modular unit.
Examples of communication skills that may need attention include difficulty following oral or written directions; difficulty pronouncing sounds; trouble responding to questions or explaining things; voice problems; and stuttering. It is very important to work to improve a student’s communication skills so that they do not affect success in classroom activities, social interaction, literacy, and learning.
With the many stresses and demands of today’s society, children often need extra encouragement. It is helpful for them to have someone at school with whom they can talk to and confide in. The Counseling office provides a warm, safe, and fun atmosphere where children can receive guidance, help, support, and a listening ear. Our Counselors love caring for the precious children here at Chapel Hill!
The school Counselor also provides group experiences for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade girls. Age-appropriate topics are discussed during “Girl Talks” that help to prepare them for adolescence and with friendships and other areas.
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